Even though I sometimes think I am.. I am not 21 anymore. Last night I went out with the boys (Kelly, Jason and Gabe) for some Bw3 and karaoke... I had just a couple of tall beers, nothing too much (that is one thing I have figured out over the last almost 9 years of drinking, I know myself and what I can handle). Anyway, After Bw3 we went over to Bleechers in Maplewood for some karaoke. Didn't do any (this is something I would have done at 21 or 22 cuz I would have drank enough to get up there...not no more!). We were back at Kellys by midnight (when I called my girl Mary, I wanted to be the first to wish her happy bday this year!!). Then headed off to bed. Kelly has 2 cats. These two cats worked their magic on my allergies. I couldn't breathe thru my nose until about 930 this am. I am still a little stuffy. Anyway, since I couldn't breathe all night, I didn't sleep much. i kept waking up too thinking I would be late for work. But no, it was 420... or 535... When my alarm finally went off at 715, I got up, took a shower and started wetting my eyes. I got out of the shower and took a peek, my eyes were absolutely bloodshot from my allergies!!!! I looked horrible. and I am still tired as ever. I used to go out every Thursday night for Thirsty Thursdays in uptown, wake up and be at work at 630 am, no problem at all. I am very much feeling the effects of aging!!!!!!
The magic number right now, 74. I have 74 days left to live before my twenties are a thing of the past. Gotta do something big.... Well, going to WW next weekend for homecoming...that will be fun. Also, gonna be an aunt... so that will be cool too! I know Haley will be late, but she will surely be around by the time I am thirty :)
ugh. thirty.
Stop saying that! She's not gonna be late!!!! x-(
Oh and Happy Birthday Mary!
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