Friday, October 10, 2008

crazy 8's for fun

8 favorite TV shows:
1. The Office
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. How I Met Your Mother
4. Desperate Housewives
5. American Idol (when in season, this show is ranked much higher!!)
6. Private Practice
7. Pushing Daisies
8. One Tree Hill/90210

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Olive Garden
2. Granite City
3. Davanni's
4. BW3
5. Joe's Crab Shack
6. Zantigos
7. La Casitas
8. Gossip's (ok its a bar, but has awesome juicy lucys)

8 things I did yesterday:
1. worked
2. laundry
3. watched office/grey's
4. text messaged (admitted an old crush! haha.)
5. bought a new shirt and sweat shirt
6. drove to/from work
7. Sang in the car
8. played on facebook

8 things I love about the fall:
1. pretty trees
2. homecoming in WW
3. girls weekend
4. Halloween
5. Thanksgiving
6. crisp air
7. making chex mix! (why i associate this with fall...idk)
8. ummmm.... i can't think of anything else!!

8 things that I look forward to:
1. Haleys arrival
2. my 2nd ever NKOTB concert on the 21st (woooot!)
3. Whitewater Homecoming
4. Christmas time!
5. a vacation next year sometime... somewhere...
6. my 30th birthday. look out!
7. paying off my CCs in a week!
8. wedding photos this weekend!

8 things on my wishlist:
1. Win the lottery (me too, meeee toooo)
2. to meet a decent guy for once!
3. a healthy baby niece
4. meet and greet passes!
5. a white chrismas
7. Rockband for wii
8. for the rust to disappear on my car!

pfew. that was not easy. hard to think of 8 anything!

1 comment:

Michelle Leigh said...

I LOVE JUICY LUCY's! They are yummy. NKOTB again? Lucky!