Friday, November 7, 2008


I woke up this AM, turned on the TV to check out the weather (as I do every morning), mr Keith Marler was just coming on and he says (as if speaking right to me) "if you are just waking up and haven't looked outside..." i said "OH NO IT DIDNT" and looked outside... and it did. SNOW! boooooooo. I am so not ready for snow. Or winter for that matter... So overrated. How is it this native Minnesotan hates snow?! IDK. Days like this make me think I get seasonal depression! it does not stick around long.. but maybe i need my own sun machine!!!!!!!!! i could use it on a day like today. it was nice when i lived at pearlwood, they had a tanning bed that i could use for $1.... whenever I felt like this i would stop by and use the thing!!!!!!! maybe i can talk my association into buying one!!!!!
speaking of my association... I went to get my mail the other day (usually only get it when I know a movie from netflix will be there)... anyway there was a note above the mailboxes.. kind of disturbing! Last weekend, i guess every one's car in the front lot got keyed!!!!!!!!!! also, there were two different occasions someone found fires! one was a bunch of papers in the laundry room that was put out.. the other was a phone book that was set on fire and left to burn in the entryway! what the hell is wrong with people!??! My place could have totally been burnt down last weekend. that would have ticked me off. I am 99% sure I dont have enough coverage for my personal property.. Thats something I should go thru this weekend since I am done with those photos, and apparently I live with a pyro!!!!!!!!!

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