Friday, November 14, 2008

mid-mid life crisis?

This morning I was thinking. Lately I have really been doing a lot of things nostalgic, reliving my youth... Facebook is a big part of this, reconnecting with people I haven't seen or talked with since high school. You have obviously read about my two NKOTB concerts that I went to in October, and then of course I am totally obsessed with watching TV on DVD... I have already watched the entire "my so called life" series (where do you think I got my blog name from??).. I LOVED that show when it was on. I could totally relate to Angela. I wore the same clothes, and had the same red hair-do that she has in the show! My latest show of choice from the past that I have been renting from netflix is the original 90210.. I watched it on and off when I was young, but I probably will "get it" much more at my age... I lead a sheltered life as a kid and probably didn't understand half of what they were talking about/involved in.
Anyway, this "mid-mid-life crisis" as I call it made me think to the people who actually have a mid life crisis... most of them are wanting to relive their youth, do things they didn't have a chance to when they were, well my age. I feel incredibly blessed that I am where I am with my life. I have a full time job, and a great condo (even with the recent events unfolding there, I still love it). I am single, can do whatever I want, whenever I want and not have to report to anyone as to where I am or when I will be home. Now, not to say it is a bad thing to be married, I someday hope to be. But, I am happy that I was able to live the life I am right now.
anyway, TGIF baby! Everyone has a great weekend... Tris is coming over for some home cooked deer meat and wii... plus I am taking photos of miss ava grace :) yeayyy!

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