Well another tuesday, come and gone. good too since tomorrow is hump day. hoodie hooo!
i had a dentist apt today, with my favorite dentist... he f'ed my teeth up. okay wait, i did that. he was "fixing" them. Had 2 small cavities. one of them happened to be around an old silver filling... he really dug and dug and dug. i thought he would never stop drilling. he told me i did good, really good keeping my mouth open! anyway, i can't feel a thing on the left side of my mouth. i took a video it made me laugh so hard.... check it out i was cracking up!
i bought my tix to go out east this july!! gonna hit up richmond and washington dc. i am really excited about DC, i was there when i was a youngen, but its been what... 16 years!!! holy cow. i was reallllyyy young!!! check it out, with the pilatzkes in DC! Whatup! can't wait to go back. it will be so much different going now, than then.. i dont think i appreciated it as much as i will this summer! woot!
Not going to lie, that video makes it look like you had a stroke.
Brandon and i thought you looked drunk!
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