Monday, April 26, 2010

two days!

hardly two days. i am almost done with one of them... then, one day of work to go before i'm leeeaving on a jet plane :) yeeehawww!
Mondays at work always fly by, it's always busy busy busy. i'm hoping to have a busy Tuesday also.
Today though, got into work, and not 20 min later my left ear started ringing, and now it's all plugged up. UGH! i have a feeling this has to do with my allergies...they've been horrible this year. Went over to ter-get at lunch and picked up some sudafed, as the pharmacist suggested. hopefully it will help with the congestion in my ear! If it does not go away, i have a feeling i'm not gonna have fun on the airplane! the timing is HORRIBLE! I'll just start taking this sudafed and see what happens.
Tonight I'm going over to Mathias' to meet his baby girl, Paige. She was born April 22nd at 12:01am! I'm super excited to meet his offspring :)
After that, i will finish packing everything as i'm staying at mom and dads tomorrow night. Mom will bring me to the airport Wednesday morning!
anyway... leaving the computer at home for this trip, so won't likely be updating my blog or adding photos to this... ya'll gonna haveta wait till i am back

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