Thursday, December 9, 2010

When Gallbladders ATTACK!

Well well well... As you know I've been having some issues sleeping and then waking up with horrid back pain. Last Friday I had an ultra sound test to see if I indeed had a gallstone.... Went in early Friday, and sure enough I had two stones... I had a second test scheduled, but decided not to go to it knowing if I got rid of this gallstone I'd be good to go. 
I got a call from my surgeon's office to set an apt for my consultation... Monday at 11am. I was hoping to get an apt for my surgery on Tuesday.. I really wasn't looking forward to having another gallbladder attack... but... It happened Monday morning anyway... 4am and I was up in major pain... vomiting and all... by the time I was supposed to be getting up, I was doing much much better. still felt it, but It was tolerable.  Went into work, and carried on with a dull pain in my back still.  Mom and I met at the Dr's office where I met with my surgeon. He told me the ultra sound showed two stones, one 1.5 and one 1.8cm... The lady who did the ultra sound had me roll over, and one of the stones didn't move, it was stuck at the duct where the bile is supposed to secrete.  This is probably my cause of pain... The Dr was great, he explained what he would do and what I should expect, he for sure helped ease my nerves.  He told me his person would call me to set up a time to get my gallbladder removed.
Monday night I went home and started up my laundry, knowing I wouldn't want to do that when I was recovering... While I was putting away the clean clothes, I felt another attack coming.. This was by far my worst attack I've had. Typically they happen in the middle of the night... but this one started at about 7:30pm.  I thought since I woke up at 4am that day, I'd take some Tylenol pm and fall asleep... yeah that didn't happen. I vomited about 15 min after taking the pill... then continued to do so thru the night. I think it was about 11:15 when I thought I'd try to get up and take a shower, as whenever I did that in the morning while having an attack, I'd felt better.... yeah didn't work. I turned my shower into a bath, that didn't work either... I called the hospital after my bath to find out what I should do as I vomited 4 times already... they told me to get into the ER right away.  Called mom and let her know I was on my way to her house... then we'd head to the ER. It was around 1am when I got there, I think around 2 am they brought me back to do an ekg as I told them I had pain in my chest... that's when I started vomiting again, which I think helped me move up in the list in front of others that were there...
My ekg was fine, again.. around 3am they got me into an ER room, but didn't see a Dr till about 4:30....they finally got me some morphine at 6am.. they gave me 3 tubes of it before they admitted me to the hospital.  I had 2 more tubes pf morphine before the pain started going away at about 10am.
Mom stayed with me until my surgeon came in to talk to me. Dad came around 9am to sit with us too.  He said they could do the surgery at 10pm, or just keep my original apt at 8 the next day... I was soooo thirsty as they wouldn't let me eat or drink anything since they thought I may go into surgery... so I told him lets just keep tomorrow's apt so I can drink and eat... So that's what we did.  I did pretty well on Tuesday as they wouldn't let me eat anything but clear liquids. But I was sooo thankful to be drinking water. 
Mom headed to work and I to sleep... I slept on and off, with the nurses coming in to check my vitals and everything... It was easy to fall back to sleep though after being awake from 4am Monday till noon Tuesday...
My friends Grandpa was two or three rooms down from me, so their family would come down and visit me from time to time... I had lots of visitors, so it was nice.  After work mom dad and stef came to visit, Stef had flowers from me that Dan bought for me.  He's very sweet.  I just wish he was here to hold my hand through this!
Wed morning came along, and it was time for my surgery. I was very nervous...but all the nurses and drs were very sweet, and kept me pretty calm.  I got into my surgery room and they were talking to me, before I knew it someone was waking me up... I couldn't breathe, they asked me "do you want the tube out?" I nodded...  they took it out. 
They brought me back to my room, I kept asking for my dad, no one was getting him... Finally someone got him in the room, and my surgeon was in soon after that. He said "well, one of you stones was actually the size of a golf ball!"  gooooood lord! no wonder I was in so much pain. I thanked him, happy I'd never have to feel that pain again. 
Dad stayed with me for the day. I asked the nurse around 4, "they said I'd be home two hours after surgery" She said "well considering your stone was the size of a golf ball, I think you are doing just fine" 
I was able to go home at 8pm.... it was nice, I was thrilled to get out of the hospital..  I've been out for just over 24 hours now... I'm in some pain at the site where they took my 'golf ball' out of.. It's tough getting up from laying down.... and laying down from sitting up...Right now I'm doing my best to avoid laying down again....
I know that the pain I'm in now will go away. It really sucks, but I know I'll never be in as much pain as I was with those gallbladder attacks, so I'm very thankful for that. 
Hope everyone is doing well.... When I feel up to it, I'll do a blog on my trip out east :)

1 comment:


You poor thing! Glad you're on the upswing--hope you feel all better soon!