Friday, May 13, 2011


I don't know if you know, but I went to school for graphic design.  An ugly menu, or other printed docs with dumb fonts, with too many fonts...they all drive me right up the wall.

I am heading out to happy hour after work today... going to a place I haven't been before. I always like to check out the menu, because I'm usually too ADD to figure it out when I'm sitting down chatting it up with friends... Anyway, the header font used in this menu makes me want to punch the computer.

The different widths of the letters... uuughhh.... then they even put it in italics and the widths change more there! uuughhhh. It is almost enough to make me not want to go there. BUT, I've got a gift certificate, so I will go there and drink enough that the menu font does not drive me crazy. Hopefully I won't punch the waiter for it.

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