Monday, September 29, 2008


So many annoying things going on in my life its not even funny. First and foremost, my coworker is sick, but proceeds to come in every day. Even days hes not supposed to be here. This is not going over very well with me b/c i am going out of town this Friday and I do NOT need to be sick for the NKOTB concert! I need to be in tip top form!
Many of you know another reason why I am annoyed, which I am not going to get into right now, because, well frankly its just going to get me all stressed out again and I can't handle much more stress at this point!
Tomorrow I have another continuing education class, that will put me over the 30 hours required for a 2 year period. I am looking forward to NOT being in this germ infested office tomorrow.
Speaking of NKOTB they played a couple songs live on VH1 last night. I recorded it.. I didn't see much of it, just quick pieces b/c we were watching another show. Anyway, I was happy to see lots of cameras in the audience... that's one thing I have been ticked about, seeing that it says "no cameras, no recordings" on the tickets! I just hope I can sneak my camera in and take some photos of those boys... I hear that there may be a shirtless boy singing an old fave :)
anyway, going home tonight after a weekend at my sisters place. i will probably break out the Mario Kart as this is the LONGEST i have gone without playing it!! i need to hone in my skills so i can beat some boys.... they know who they are :)

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