Monday, October 20, 2008

monday. blaaah.

I am all sorts of crabby this AM. No one on the roads this morning had a clue how to drive... which only made me more crabby! This weekend was, well, different than the norm. It went just as fast (if not faster) than when I go out of town or have a ton of things I am doing... I went home Friday night and watched The Office, then Grey's from Thursday night. I watched Grey's from my bed at 630. yeah, i was sleeping by 730. Woke up at 9am on saturday. I can't remember the last time I slept that long, but thats what happens when you are this old and think you can go out on a work night!! Anyway, got up and started watching an old episode of Dawsons Creek while I started putting all 1300 photos on a disc for Jamie and Adam (unedited version). Can I tell you, it took 7 discs?? yeah. nice. I also made a copy of the unedited version for myself. That took me most of my day on saturday! Sunday I got up and started working on the photos again. I got thru a bunch of the ceremony photos... well, a third of them anyway. They look great. I sent a couple to Jamie to see what she thought, and she liked them... so I went with it. This is the only photo you will see till I am complete with them though!
Anyway, not happy its monday, but at the same time NG won't be in today, so that should make me a little happy, right??
Oh, but you know what??? This also should make me happy... NKOTB tomorrow night!! WOOO!

1 comment:

Stef said...

beautiful picture! Although, Adam has a bit of an Amish look going there... i don't know why this picture is what triggered that though... but it did!! Hehe!