Thursday, February 5, 2009


today is the day... i am leaving... i will be taking off in about 6 hours from now!!!!! WOOOO! i am happy to be leaving town, sad that its going to warm up a bit while i am gone.. why couldn't it have been in the upper thirties all week??? i am hoping to see 65 tomorrow though :) i can handle that without problem!!
why is it that when i order stuff online, it takes FOREVER to get what i want when i want it right away... but when you dont need it right away it comes like WAY FAST?? i saw on that the last 2 books of the twilight saga were on sale, more than 1/2 off, so i thought oh i will order them now before they aren't on sale anymore... i am 1/2 way thru the 2nd book, new moon... yeah, it took 2 days to get the books i ordered... i didn't pay extra to get them that quick.. it was supposed to come 5 to 7 days i believe.. now i have 3 books in the hole and im only 1/2 way done with the one i am reading now!!

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