HELLO! So here is an update of the last two weeks! Well.. one week... Starting with my bday... mom, dad, Stef, Haley, Dan and Tristi went to the Macaroni Grill for dinner to celebrate my date of birth.. here is a photo of me my fave little niece and my siiiister... I look like I have a floating head here.... funnnnyyy...

After dinner, Dan, Tris and I went over to my work place to get ready for 80's night at the Shout House! It was fun dressing up in the 80's gear.... Dan and I pulled it off really well.... the wallpaper here at work really works with this 80's garb :)

Can't go to the Shout House on your birthday without being called out onstage... here I am, hanging out on the piano... with boys singing "you've lost that loving feeling...
OHOHOHhh that LOVING FEELING!!" to me... it was lots of fun! Thanks to Dan for getting me up there on stage!

Four of my FAVORITE PEOPLE! They all came out, even though it was a Wednesday night, even though it was FREEZING out... I LOVE THEM! It goes: me, Joe,
Tristi, Aaron, and Dan... Taking a group
PoP Rock shot!

looking good, Dan and me... I am thinking we were the most 80's folks there!

Tris and me.... gotta get those leg warmers in!

Aaron and me, again with the leg warmers!

Aaron's brother in law, Allen, works as one of the piano players at the Shout House!

It was a great birthday, and i am so thankful for my friends who actually made it out, you guys ROCK.
Thursday was New Years Eve. Dan gave me tickets to the Wild game for my birthday. We went there New Years Eve, though they lost... not only lost but were pretty much pummeled, it was still a good time...
Had a great time with
boobas on New Years Eve at the game... After we met up with some of his friends that were in town, Holly and Aaron. We spent NYE celebrating at the Stadium in
Vadnais Heights. It was pretty low key for me, as I was still getting over my birthday! I did manage to have a glass of champagne at midnight.
New Years Day we slept in, then played a bunch of Mario Kart. So much fun playing games with Dan while he was here. We met up with Holly and Aaron at Outback for dinner, and after headed to Dan's buddies house to play Wii... I beat all the boys :)
I had a great time over my little vacation, having my bff in town. I can't wait to spend more time with him! so fun, so silly!
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