Wednesday, January 26, 2011

my hair...slow riiiiideee

I’ve got long hair. Longest I’ve ever had in my life.  I’ve many times tried to grow out my hair though out the years… But I’d get to this point, just a little past my shoulders, and I swore it wouldn’t grow any longer than that.
On my way to my garage this morning my neighbor and I met in the hallway.  She said to me “Your hair is sooo long”  I am getting this a lot lately.  My neighbor and I don’t hang out. We don’t go way back. It’s not like she knows my hair has been growing growing growing.  So her saying “your hair is soooo long” was nothing more than an observation. I never know what to say when people say that to me.  I’ve said “thanks” in the past, but it really does not fit.  Like I said, it was an observation they made, not a compliment. This time I said “I know!”  I mean what is the right thing to say?  I added “I just can’t part with it and get it cut!”
Recently, about 2 months ago, I wanted it gone. It drove me crazy for a few weeks… I got up one Saturday morning and cut my hair so I had bangs. I liked it. It made me feel better about my long hair. It was something different, without cutting my hair off. I knew if I went ahead and cut my hair that day to the length that I once thought my hair wouldn’t grow past, I’d regret it. 
I’ve had my bangs trimmed once since then, and they are at a point where I need them trimmed again… I can’t do that, I can’t get my bangs trimmed once a month. Too much work.  So my bangs that once hang straight down are now parting to my right.  I’ve got swoop bangs again. For now. I’ve been watching Friends and I am loving Rachel’s hair. Not the Rachel cut that was so popular at the beginning of their series, but Rachel in season 6… long hair, no bangs… I want that! 

On a completely different note, I’m on some sort of Kevin Slowey wavelength.  Two nights ago I had a very long and involved dream starring Mr Slowey himself.  Whenever I take melatonin to help me sleep I always have weird and vivid dreams.  Kevin and I were all over the place.  I met up with him at a mall where he and Joe Mauer were practicing in a bullpen which was in a store at this mall. From there he and I went to church (where I lost him for a minute, but found him having changed from his uni to a blue button down shirt with a red tie)… then we were in a car on the way to his friends house, but when we got there we found out it had been foreclosed on…so we went to my house where he sat on my bed playing guitar while I sat on the floor and thought I heard my niece using the toilet, but in reality it was one of my friends aunt’s.  Anyway. The dream was much more involved than that, but that kinda gives you an idea.  Anyway, after having that dream I thought yesterday that I needed to look at Kevin’s blog.  When I googled “Kevin slowey” like other things, google tries to guess what you are looking for… under blog, girlfriend, and about 8 other things one of them said “Kevin Slowey arbitration”  and I thought, dang, I should look that up to see if anything has happened yet… First thing that comes up was an article from SI that was updated just 15 minutes prior to me looking for it… “slowey avoids arbitration”  YIPPIE! He’s ours another year!! And I’m so happy to see he’s making a grip of money…. Getting paid what he’s worth, that is for sure.  So yeay!  I get to keep my favorite player in a Twins uni for another year!! I’m crossing my fingers he gets his spot in the starting rotation back!    
With this dream I had and him signing on for another year, I am really sad that I didn’t buy tickets to Twinsfest that is happening this weekend… He will be there, and I won’t.  I was thinking having met a ton of the guys last year, that I didn’t need to go to Twinsfest… I’d let others meet them :) but now that I’m staring at my calendar with it coming up so fast, I’m envious.  I’ve got my cute twins bag that has two signatures already… it needs more. It needs more badly. Uughhh. And there are all sorts of fools who are out there on craigs list trying to make profit from their sold out Twinsfest tickets… I won’t take part in that!  I guess there is always next year.



I take melatonin to fall asleep, too...and I have also had (totally PG, I swear!) Twins-related dreams! Hehe. :) I'm glad Slowey will be back, too!

keps1230 said...

Most of my melatonin dreams scare the crap out of me... they usually aren't happy Kevin Slowey dreams!
It's always funny to me when I dream about guys in sports they are always wearing their uniform... it was strange to see Kevin in a shirt and tie!!