Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I've been thinking...

Last week my coworker and I were talking about our time spent as young girls and how irrational we were back then.  In conversation we started talking about our diaries that we kept while growing up… how ridiculous we were going one day from being in a huge fight, never wanting to talk to them, the next day they were our BFFs.  One day I <3 this boy, the next he’s dirt to me. 
This conversation convinced me it was time to go home and dig out those diaries… I’ve been reading them on and off since then. I’ve got my very first diary that started somewhere around 1990, so I was 12…. My biggest concern was that my friends were going to see the New Kids on the Block and I wasn’t (but I would get to go next time according to what I wrote).  Everything was “boring”  today was “boring” we went to the mall and it was “boring”  we went to the science museum and it was “boring”  Jenny slept over and it was “boring” apparently at 12, nothing could keep me entertained.  This first diary is riddled with  misspellings and horrible grammar… Not to mention me quoting Wayne’s world; “I saw Mark today. Sha-wing. If he were a robot, he’d be Robobabe. If he were president he’d be Baberham Lincoln” 
I pride myself on having quite the memory. Jenny always laughs at me saying I remember everything… but reading these diaries tells me differently… Some of the guys I had a crush on, I don’t remember…for the life of me!  Some of the things I wrote about (waking up in the car on our way home from Duluth and the truck was sliding backwards) I totally don’t remember… However, there are many stories I wrote of that bring things rushing back, I can almost smell the flavor of Bonnie Bell lip smackers I wore (dr pepper, pina colada, pink lemonade, and my favorite STRAWBERRY!) in each entry I made. By the by, thank you Bonnie Bell for starting a lifelong OCD tendency… I’m off the lipsmackers, but can’t stop using aquaphor on my lips!...
Anyway, it brings me to the conclusion that I’m not documenting my life the way I’d like to… It’s so neat to go back and see me progress thru the years (you know from liking a different boy day to day  to liking them week by week…. And month by month… up to now :)
So between the journal (I’m all grown up now, it’s not a diary anymore) I’ve been keeping in the recent years (last entry was the day after I met my boys)… and this blog… I’ve got to start writing more about what is going on with my life, so 10 years down the road I can have memories of today flood back to me as I’m doing now with my diaries I kept thru my school years.

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