Sunday, January 13, 2013

So, since I've moved to Virginia, I've had a craft room. The room says Christy all over it. Purple carpet, and purple walls. Couldn't get more spot on for a craft room for this girl...
Well, when I first moved in my purple room was being used as our bedroom as we had some major improvements to make on our master bedroom.  Four months into my time here not only was I gainfully employed (thankyouverymuch), but we put carpet in the master bed and I'd already painted it...  Soooo, we moved the bed out of the purple room and where it belongs in the master bed.  Well, since then I really hadn't done much to that room... until today...
Here is how my room looked to start the day off:

What a mess, right? It was seriously  my catchall for a long time...
So I went out and got a couple more of those plastic drawers, and got to work... emptied the closet--which you can't see in here, but made my way thru the room...and here is an after:
So there is still plenty to do here---mainly get some tabletop space so I have something to CRAFT ON!!
I've found a super awesome drafting table that I want to pick up from world market... it's awesome--just need to figure out how I'd get that home...
The people who used to live here left a huge table top that I'm going to take full advantage of--I just need to add legs to it and I'll be good to go!!  I'll put  more photos up once I've made more progress!!

1 comment:

Mary Mahoney said...

Love your purple room!!! It's SO YOU, fo sho!! You cleaned up and organized great! Let the crafting begin...or continue :)!!