I've gotta do this all before I forget :) For my first bachelorette party, I was accompanied by three lovely ladies to Virginia Beach! Though the weather was rough--rained and was pretty chilly the entire time... We made the best of it. We were there to drink anyway, eh? We drove down on Friday night, and went to CP Shuckers for dinner. We all ordered the same first drink, a special--the Trophy Wife... I mean, really, could it be a more perfect drink to start the weekend with??
Next up, Harpoon Larry's. We asked the bartender what drink everyone orders at his bar--He told us the Rum Runner... So that's what we started with... and I ended with! I think I had at least four of them. The biggest mistake the whole weekend!! It's tough to tell in the pic below, but he's "loaded" the straws with rum... The pic below the next shows it a bit better

Here you can see the rum filled straw! after the first rum runner, I figured it out... Pull the straw up and mix the rum right back into the drink. This didn't help my hangover on Saturday though... The sugaer did me in
the walk home was fun! The Neptune statue!
I didn't get out of bed until 1pm. Thanks rum runner. While I slept, the girls were on the balcony, bundled up, drinking wine from penis straws :)
this is what it looked like... no sun. all rain... super chilly!
I finally rolled out of bed at 1pm and got dressed, it was time to rally. We headed out to dinner, I had a little something something to drink... then an after dinner drink at Murphy's... I had a Jameson and Coke.. that was my magic potion that got me right back in shape and ready to party! We started at the hotel bar-Shots a flowing--thankfully easy shooter shots, but shots nonetheless.
we played a fun game, along the way pulling random things we needed to do... One was to find someone named Dan. And well, we did. Kinda. We renamed our bartender Dan. and he went along with it! He was a super awesome bartender for us at Waterman's!
Bartender Dan told us where we had to go next. which was a bar that I'd actually been to before with my parents... we went during the day, but we were there!! Calypso Bar and Grillwe met these fellas playing our little game, they joined in like troopers! Funny story, one of the things that was pulled by the guy on the right (you know with the peen poking him in the face) was "find someone else from Minnesota" He looked at his buddy and laughed and said how am I supposed to do this? I asked what it was, he said "find someone from MN" I said "I'm from minnesota!" he said "ME TOO!" guy was from Apple Valley. So random.
After a long night of drinking we were ready to crash. but not until we had some pizza in us...
We were all sleeping soundly when suddenly we hear pounding on the wall... Lauren was yelling that her sister wouldn't get out of the bathroom... what a funny way to wake up :)
we couldn't leave the beach until we got some beach pics. though we were no where near the ocean, we got some pics anyway.
what a great weekend with some wonderful ladies. I had so much fun and I'm so lucky to call you all friends :)
and can I just say blogger's editing features really suck? moving pics sucks. centering sucks. and moving things after it moves it for you sucks. sorry if the format is redonk!
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